Monday, January 02, 2006


After the removal of the body, all the running gear is still attached to the floor pan; i.e. front axle and wheels, final drive, engine and rear wheels. These need not be removed.

1. With a putty knife remove all sound deadening material from the rear of the floor pan to just forward of the emergency brake lever and under the front seats.

2. Remove the main brake line from the “T” fitting at rear. Bend open tabs along the left side of the floor tunnel from the rear up to the vicinity of the emergency brake. Remove rubber grommet at the rear of the floor pan where the main brake line goes through to the “T” fitting. Extract the main brake line through the hole and gently bend the main brake line forward, out of the way, toward the pedals.

3. Remove the access cover at the forward end of the floor pan tunnel.

4. Remove the access cover at the rear end of the floor pan tunnel.

5. Remove the bolt from the front end of the coupling between the final drive and the gear lever linkage through rear access hole, leaving the coupling on the final drive.

6. Remove the 2 bolts at the gear lever. When removing the gear lever not position of the shift guide plate under the gear lever cover. The shift guide plate incorporates the reverse lockout, which is positioned on the right, or passenger side of the car and points up.

7. Place the gearshift in the neutral position before removing the gearshift shaft through the front end of tunnel.

8. Remove the emergency brake cables at brake lever. Remove snap ring at the pin on the emergency brake lever and remove the lever. Pull the emergency out of the tubes from the rear.

9. Remove the battery hold down and ground strap.

10. Remove the heater control wire and handle. On some models it will be necessary to saw off stub tube for installation of carpets.

11. Remove the rear of the body mounting rubber and fold forward. This will later be glued back down after shortening the floor pan.

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