Friday, December 30, 2005


Your Coyote Body is in two parts, the main body section and the hood-dash.

THIS IS IMPORTANT AND WILL SAVE MUCH TIME. Do not place the body on the chassis at this point. Place the body on a pair of padded saw horses, for installation of wiring, instruments, etc.

Install all items possible before mounting the body to the chassis.


The chassis selected for the Terra-Buggy running gear should be that of the 1200-series or newer, Volkswagen sedan. the Volkswagen variant, truck, Bus, or Karmann Ghia chassis will not suffice. The instruments, wheels, transaxles, and engines from these autos may be used.

Removing the body is not a difficult task, however, note that the factory has used all metric bolt sixes. Special care should be taken not damage any part which could be sold for parts.

The parts you must save are as follows:

1. Seats and helper springs for adjustment.

2. Battery, strap and cover.

3. 1961 or later gas tank, saving the 4 rectangular washers.

4. Steering column, remove clamping bolt at bottom end of shaft. Save all the steering column assembly. Remove 2 blots and clamp at upper end of the column and save. When removing steering column clamp from the body, save the rubber grommet at the upper, and lower end, as these will be used later.

5. Remove wiring. As you do this tag all disconnected ends for future re-assembly. Color-coded wiring diagrams are shown in the VW Owner's Service Manual.

6. Remove and save: Speedometer, drive cable, ignition switch with bolts, light switch, 1958 or later windshield wiper, windshield wiper switch, gas gauge and sender cable; turning indicator lights, horn, tail lights, license plate light and fuse block. Not forgetting to include all rubber pads, washers and nuts. The larger 1961 or later tail lights are preferred.

7. Brake reservoir.

8. After all the above items have been removed and saved, the body is ready for removal frim the chassis. Bolts wil be found under the back seat, rear fenders, running boards and the gas tank. Save the rectangular washers from under the running boards.

9. Remove the and save the rubber mounting strip from the perimeter of the chassis.


From here on out I'm going to refer to my Manx clone as a Terra-Buggy "Coyote." Most people call they're buggy the Sears Rascal, and I have yet to see someone refer to their buggy as Terra-Buggy Coyote.

I've located a bad copy of the assmebly instructions for the Coyote/Rascal, and since it's too cold out to get any real work done I've decided to post them on my blog. I figure that someone else may want to get a look at whats required to put a buggy together.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sears Ad

Here's an late 60's ad for the Sears Dune Buggy Body Kit. I always thought that the Sears kit had a rib running down the center of the hood. As you can see this one clearly doesn't. Maybe this kit was taken directly from a Meyer's Manx, then later changed to prevent legal issues?